绝缘等级(Insulation calss): B级或F级(B or F)
防护等级(Protection calss): IP44
功率(Power): 0.55~315kW
电压(Voltage): 380V或660V(380V or 660V)
机座号(frame Size): 80~355
频率(Frequency): 50Hz或60Hz(50Hz or 60Hz)
环境温度(Ambient Temperature): -20℃~40℃
海拔(Altitude): 0m
产品简介(Product Profile):
Application: They can be used on ships with protection mark Exd IIA, Exd IIB and Exd IIC and fulfill flammable gas and explosive mixture. The Motors are suitable for driving various machines on ships, such as pumps、blowers、separators、hydraulic engine and other auxiliary equipments.